Tuesday, July 29, 2008

English Class with Hannah

Christina was gone this week and couldn't help Hannah with their normal English class with some kids right down the street, so I filled in. I got the perfect day too.....water war day! We filled up some water balloons and stuff and had some fun.....I really only have videos......they would have to read like a sentence in English and then they could throw to get points.....well they got sick of points and started throwing them at me, and that blew up into a full out water fight......ahh....it was hot that day too!

Well after that we went inside their house....and chewed some gum....they had never really tried to blow bubbles before.....I couldnt really do it......here is Hannah though!

Here is Kishi.....he was pretty good!

Here is Nao....(said now.....she said that she couldnt do it....)

thanks for letting me hang out Hannah!

1 comment:

George Sedota said...

Hey Daniel, I hope your gum tastes as good as it sounds!

God bless