Monday, August 16, 2010


Yes, that is right! I started up learning taekwondo! It is really I to punch and kick im just kidding....^^ I've been doing it now for about a month....its really sweet...I go and literally sweat for an hour. I already lost like 6 lbs! (Well it is also summer time and I'm sweating a lot anyways) It is kinda silly because I'm really the only person that is an adult, everyone is in like elementary or middle school.....^^ lol
This place is really close to my school that I study Korean at, so I get over there at about 9pm, and then train for an hour, and then go home. My new friend from church, Bruce, who is an Californian that came out here to help with this school for 3 months invited me to come out and train with him.
Nayeon and I....she was trying for a while to do taekwondo also, but i think she's done...every once in a while she'll come and do some, but mostly she just watches....^^
Here I am learning how to do a roundhouse kick. The white guy in the back there is Bruce, my new friend from the church, and the other teacher is Master Kim. He speaks pretty good English and helps me out with my form. I love Nayeon's shock when he does his kicks, so funny....she gasps....then says "어마!" which means "Mommy!" lol

doing a little stretching....

doing some kicking and punching exercises...

But all this training and exercising without telling you my favorite part of our time. Usually, Nayeon and I both go, and I exercise, she studies or watches, but after, we just pray for our brother Bruce. He is always there for about 10-12 hours a day, working hard, teaching kids, can tell it would be some what exhausting! I'm exhausted for one hour of working out like that. Also, none of the other Masters are Christians. Pray for Bruce that he can be a good example to the other Masters and the children, of a Christian that loves the Lord and walks in Him! Its great to learn Korean culture and exercise, but it is better to spend time after every lesson and pray in front of everyone for them to receive Christ and to live for Him. ^^

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