Thursday, November 25, 2010


When we left from our outreach spot, I noticed just on the other side of the building a bunch of people making kimchi!

YouTube Video

Really cool! I continued to talk to that guy from the video...he was a professor of Accounting. He was saying they were making all the kimchi for the!

He also asked about me, I said I worked for a church, he was interested and asked for our church info! Divine Appointment! He also said he had noticed some foreigners playing music outside every week and he was surprised when I said it was me^^

Some homeboy posed! Nice!

Pray for little opportunities like this where we can meet people and share the Gospel through "Friendship Evangelism" (learned that one from Joanna Ruiz in Bible college!)
- Daniel


George Sedota said...

Very cool opportunity! And I love kimchi too!

Patti Sedota said...

Joanna!!! He wasn't sleeping during that class!!! HAHAHAHA!! Snort! j/k Daniel