The Y100 store is one of the best places to shop in all of Japan guys!!! They gots everyting! Man, they sell candy, tools, school supplies, socks, its the BEST! ITS FANTASTIC!! (Sorry i have been quoting Nacho Libre too much lately!) If you ever come, this is really a sweeto place in OKI!
Well these are the signs on the building for the Koinonia Cafe. They another sweeto place to chill and have fun worshipping Jesus! Here is where they have W2 (Worship/Word), and also P2(Praise/Prayer), and lastly they have most of their GoGo Eego English classes there. This place is a blessing. Sweeto!! this place is a very cho sweeto place. It is a fruit and veggie shop that is like a block away from behind the church. This place sells really good stuff. In Okinawa, because of importing everything, fruits and some vegetables are super takai (Expensive). But this place sells it for a little bit cheaper, so Tom always heads here. We bought like 10 small & medium bananas for like $4. Sweeto.