Monday, January 29, 2007

Sweeto Places In OKI

The Y100 store is one of the best places to shop in all of Japan guys!!! They gots everyting! Man, they sell candy, tools, school supplies, socks, its the BEST! ITS FANTASTIC!! (Sorry i have been quoting Nacho Libre too much lately!) If you ever come, this is really a sweeto place in OKI!

Well these are the signs on the building for the Koinonia Cafe. They another sweeto place to chill and have fun worshipping Jesus! Here is where they have W2 (Worship/Word), and also P2(Praise/Prayer), and lastly they have most of their GoGo Eego English classes there. This place is a blessing. Sweeto!! this place is a very cho sweeto place. It is a fruit and veggie shop that is like a block away from behind the church. This place sells really good stuff. In Okinawa, because of importing everything, fruits and some vegetables are super takai (Expensive). But this place sells it for a little bit cheaper, so Tom always heads here. We bought like 10 small & medium bananas for like $4. Sweeto.

Sunday Morning Service

It was a blessing on Sunday morning to finally get to see the buildings that Pastor Tom has been having services in. The first one on the left is the 3rd floor CC Ginowan Church/CCBC Okinawa building. Right behind where I'm standing is a glass wall enclosing the classroom. The middle and right picture are pics of the Ruiz's at the Koinonia Cafe. They hold the children's ministry there during the service that is like 3 building away. 2 doors down the other way is the Koinonia Thrift Shop which will open like Saturday in two or so weeks. Ill put some pics up on the Grand Opening of it. God has been blessing them with free stuff to fill up the store so far, but keep praying God would provide!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Well...Im HERE!!!

This is going to be my new website for a blog, where all ya'lls can see pictures, get updates, and make comments on what I type up!

Well I got to OKINAWA just fine....Pastor Tom and Natsuki picked up myself and two other students (who i met on the connecting flight from Tokyo to Okinawa). The first flight was pretty nice... about 12 hours with 2 real good meals...mmmm!! CHO OISHI!! (Very tasty) When we got to Tom's house we hung around for a little, then I unpacked all my clothes and everything in my room.

Sleeping last night wasnt too good...we accidently left the windows open and i didnt have sheets yet. Im gonna pick them up today. Well i went running today for the first time in a year, man that stunk, but Zach had grace on me and walked a couple times. I got a sweeto tour though, and then later we went to the 100 Yen store (just like .99 cent stores, but 100times better.) and bought some toiletries and junk.

Well were about to head out to a Marine base to get some bed linens and some lunch! God bless. Keep praying that God would bless my preparation for Tuesday when we start school.

Love you guys,
