Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cherry Blossom festival in Daejeon!

Well this is the Cherry Blossom festival that was right next to our youth hostel that we stayed at in Daejeon city, Korea. Everyday we got to see very very beautiful cherry blossoms (さくら sakura, 桜 , in japanese), but they are different from Okinawa ones. These one were mostly white with red in them....very awesome to be by. Everynight there was like a festival, with the streets lined with vendors of awesome lookin food and carnival games. In our hostel, there was a lot of people that were up until the wee hours of the night, partying and stuff (not so good for us), celebrating this time...very fun

But during the first night...Evan and me decided to go shopping and we bought a couple chort katana or bokans, jsut wood practice swords....only 5 bucks! yata! a few cuts and scrapes have been the cause of many incessant battles....i shall get you evan van kirk....NEXT TIME!

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