Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Outreach in Nambu...

Well we were blessed last minute to go to a outreach that one of the ladies at our church invited us to. Nana helps out at this single mom's group in a community center, and they were having a special Christmas Party, and they needed some help with music...

So Tokito, Naoko, Me, Sosi, Rob, Christina, and the Barrios kids went down to center and blessed them with Christmas carols in Japanese and English....the sign in the back says "Kurisumasu" or Christmas! I'm glad they tried to keep Christ in their party...

We got to keep Christ in the party too....we brought a felt board and Christina told the "true" story of Christmas to all these little kids and each of the mothers there. Wow what a great opportunity to share Christ, in simple, child understandable words.

Well you cant have a good party without food and a great cake....they had both....these kids are precious....

They brought out a Santa and took pictures with all the kids....and then they gave them each a bag full of goodies....chocolates, chips, fun games, etc. It was such a blessing to be there! Pray that they would see their need for the Saviour that was born for them....reveal Yourself to them Lord.

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