Monday, June 22, 2009

Cheongju Bible Study

We went to Cheongju Jinsoo Institute on Wednesday like we always do, but this week was a little special...Dean was planning on teaching there, and Amanda was going to play guitar and teach them a new was a great time...

Before the study, we had some time and Manda drew some funny

This is a rundown of what happens almost everyday....

Dean goes and eats too much toast....there are Toast stands where they put egg, ham, lettuce, cheese, and some sauce, all for about $.80 its awesome...Dean is always talking about them....

Word to the Wise: PtL means "Praise The Lord" lol just learned that one....^^
Mike telling Sosimo to cut his hair...again....pretty much a daily occurance...haha

Manda....enough said.....haha jk

We found out that she is lactose intolerant and she really doesnt like spicy she pretty much is starving here in jk haha....we just tease her about that though...keep it up girly!

Sosimo.....with his long oh yeh and "Dropping" his keys....i have no room to talk though...^^

and then there is the scary Pandaman, Daniel....quick story...

the other day...everyone was leaving and i wasnt i catch up and say "wait....Dawwrrrrrrr!" and I stuck out my hands just like picture and ran

amanda is now capitalizing on my weirdness...^^

good job manda....

Manda leading worship....

Sorry Dean didnt get a pic of you....ㅠㅠ
We had a blessed time this week!

1 comment:

ina said...


i miss Manda's creativeness.