Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fellowship Day....

Hey me out here.....I'm trying to think of what I should call our Fellowship Day that is going to replace our Study Hall on tuesdays...any suggestions? We will do different things, like going to the movies or playing movies in our youth room, going to the beach, playing some sports, going to do some ministry somewhere, etc. I mostly would like to do it to fellowship with the kids we got, but also use it as an outreach for those kids or new kids that they invite or that somehow come. We will have a time in the Word, but mostly just one on one encouragement. Please pray for these, in that they would be fruitful, to raise up youth for real relationship with Jesus.
This past Tuesday we had our first was also the last time we would see the Dunston girls, so it was a good time. We got some McDonalds and popped some and watched a movie....good times good times....we also laid hands on the girls and sent them out with our prayers! Blessings to you girls, love you guys mucho....grow in Jesus!

Drop a comment with a name for this "Fellowship/Outreach Day"! Please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking "Boxed In" but that would only be if you stay in and watch movies. How about "Casting Out"...something about casting out nets and being fishers of men. Also, this is a good verse for junior high kids, especially girls...A friend loves at all times! Proverbs 17:17 May the Lord give you clear vision! - Jaim