My new friend Dominick took me out to a famous spa in the city of is right near my is one of the places he goes very often to relax and hit up a public bathhouse....most people dont really like them, getting nakie in front of a bunch of people and stuff....(everything in me from American culture tells me to not do gross....blah blah blah) but then again Im not living in America, and i want to live like they do....its not weird to them....most guys go, and they bring their wife and she goes with her friends in the girl side....just a time to relax...thats what I like....sit, pray, get perspective, chill out, talk to a good friend, smell
Well I only have pictures of the outside, It was really great....i really liked is only 7,000 won....about $4.50....but that is normal price for one.....Dom had a coupon for half on two....sweet....he treated me, but it was really only about a $2.30....for an all day relaxation sweet man...