Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Food, Fellowship, and a Filling of God's Spirit!

Well really im back to Taipei, but we have a 4 hour layover in this Taiwan airport, and then i'll be back in Okinawa tonight.

Well the Lord did great and awesome things in Iloilo! The greatest thing about the trip was the great great, and i mean great times of worship. The people in CCBF Iloilo (Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship of Iloilo) had huge hearts for worship, which was definitely a sweet time of refreshment for me. There was plenty of time for fellowship...and that is what we did! Food, Fellowship, and a Filling of God's Spirit was this mission's trip in a nutshell.

I don't have a USB plugin on the computer I am using...so i will have to send pictures and videos as soon as i get back. Sorry, I know you are all dying to see my awesome photos! lol Well until then, may the Lord bless you! Pray for our last flight! Peace!



George Sedota said...

Cool, I am blessed that you all had a great time. I'm sure the saints in Iloilo were just as blessed as you guys. That is how our awesome God works!!

Luv ya...

Anonymous said...

You betcha, I'm praying. God Bless you all. Hugs and kisses, Mom