Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sunday morning and Sunday night....

Well I went to CCLW on Sunday morning, and Pastor Jerry taught a special message about his testimony....during the service he had pictures and things about growing up....when he got to 1991 there was a funny picture....can you tell who is there in the photos?!?! lol Pastor Tommy and Joanna when they started Calvary Chapel Living funny how much they have changed!
Well on Sunday night we went to Larry Hume's bible study at his home, studying 1 Samuel chapters 12 and 13.
A lot of good brothers and sisters studying together....such a blessing!
Got a funny picture of my silly mommy! Love you momma! ^^

1 comment:

Lildota said...

DAAAANNNIELLL!!! NO you didn't!!! I'm gonna step on that camera!